Legiit Review And My Experience With The Platform
Legiit has the potential to dominate modern-day corporate work. It isn’t without its issues, but for many clients and freelancers alike, it is the perfect match

Legiit Review And My Experience With The Platform
Legiit has been around for a while, and I am happy to see them make it this far. They are one of the best marketplaces for anyone who wants to outsource tasks online. I have been using the Legiit platform for more than a year now, and I am still using it. For this reason, I want to share with you my experience with the Legiit platform and how it works (and how it worked for me.)
I have worked on many different platforms, including Fiverr and Upwork. Even though they are good marketplaces, they do not compare to what Legiit has given me as a freelancer (which is orders, exposure, fulfillment, and money, of course) If you want to learn how Legiit works and how you can also be part of this growing platform, read on!

What is Legiit?
Legiit has been around since early 2015, and in this time it’s been available, it’s gained quite the following among freelancers who are looking to find work quickly and easily.
Legiit aims to make finding work and getting paid as easy as possible for its users so that they can get back to what matters most to them – the quality of their work!
In this Legiit review, I’ll take an in-depth look at what makes Legiit special and why you should consider joining today.
Legiit was initially the brainchild of a digital marketer – Chris M. Walker – who wanted to create a freelance marketplace for SEO services and web-related niches only. As time went by, more and more services were added to Legiit, including some that were not strictly related to SEO or web design. This meant that anyone could apply to sell on Legiit and start offering their services. While this has obviously led to an increase in sales volume, it’s also meant that Legiit is no longer the exclusive marketplace that it once was (and not in a bad way). More and more freelancers and buyers can enjoy working with each other in a wide category of services on a platform that cares for them both.
Most freelancing platforms I’ve been to don’t care about the freelancer and have a “the buyer is always right” policy (which, let’s be honest, it’s not always the case.) That’s why I feel like what Legiit was trying to build was refreshing. This was great as it created a marketplace with high-quality services, and this attracted buyers and sellers who then became loyal to the platform (like me, for example.)
Legiit is created by freelancers FOR freelancers, too.

Let’s face it: the online marketplace for freelancers is a bit of a mess.
You’ve got one platform trying to be all things to all people—it doesn’t matter what service you need to buy or offer — you can do it all on this one site! But (and it’s a big BUT) they end up being so saturated with freelancers that it’s not only difficult for service buyers to find what they need but also for freelancers to stand out from the crowd and make a decent living. I mean, it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle.
As freelancers, we deserve better. Legiit is created by freelancers FOR freelancers, so you know it will cater to our needs. In this case, the motto is “Both buyers and sellers are right.” There’s no need to try and fit our square peg into a round hole. Legiit was designed specifically to help freelancers get noticed and get their first sales which, to be honest, is a nightmare on Fiverr or Upwork, or any other freelancing platform out there. I don’t know what experiences you have had on these platforms, but I never even got a message there – it’s so saturated! So, getting a sale is sometimes out of the question.
I’m not going to lie: I was bummed out when I tried offering services on Fiverr and Upwork but never got a sale. I’d been a repeat customer of both sites for years, so what’s the deal? Maybe it was just bad luck, or perhaps no one wants my services? Or maybe there was something wrong with the way I was doing things?
That’s when I decided to try Legiit, which also had a different business model than its competitors, that caught my attention. Rather than taking a 20% commission fee per transaction (from sellers and buyers), Legiit only takes 15% for each sale only from freelancers. So, I did some digging, set up a very polished profile, and in just the first few days that I started using Legiit, I managed to get several orders and make almost $200 in profit (let’s be honest, that’s much better than 0 sales, right?). Most importantly, 3 of those sales were repeat customers- people who liked my gig enough to use it more than once.
This is a huge improvement compared to Upwork and Fiverr, where most people just want a cheap one-off job- there’s no possibility of repeat business because they’re looking for a new bargain every time they want something done! The only downside is that there are fewer people on Legiit than on other platforms. However, I wouldn’t call it a downside because this actually works in my favor as there are fewer sellers, which means greater visibility for my gigs.
So, let’s get back to some features that you can get as a freelancer:
Some free and premium features that Legiit offers
- A sales page for all your services
- Built-in checkouts
- Different withdrawal options
- Messaging
- Reports
- Advertising/Sponsored services
- Thank you page
- Coupons & Discounts (Some only premium)
- Bundled Services (premium only)
- Volume discounts (premium only)
- User accounts (premium only)
- Affiliate marketing (some premium features)
- Recurring services(Premium only)
- Detailed seller analytics (Mostly premium)
- Canned replies (premium only)
Legiit premium costs only $27 per month and will fetch you even more sales. If you want to read in more detail about the benefits of having a premium subscription, Legiit has a blog post for that

But how can you get the first sales?
Something that really worked for me and helped me land my first order(s) was networking on Legiit. I had only been a member of the website for maybe a day before I had my first order. The reason this happened is because I had spent time networking with Legiit members, as well as other freelancers who are not on Legiit. When you network with other people in your niche, you learn about what works and what doesn’t work in terms of helping to grow your business or career. Also, networking helps you to avoid pitfalls that others have already discovered, which can save you time and money down the road. The best thing that I really loooove about Legiit is their Facebook group, where you can self-promote (by offering services with lower prices, of course) so you can gain a little bit of traction.
Other ways to get your first (or second..or hundredth) sale on Legiit
There are plenty of ways for you to promote yourself on Legiit. In addition to the site’s own internal promotional opportunities—including having your gigs featured in the Legiit Marketplace and having your seller profile appear first in search results—there are also many things you can do on your own to get the word out about your gig. While using the internal opportunities is very effective, one thing that will set you apart from a lot of other sellers is promoting yourself off Legiit.
If you haven’t already, now is a great time to start building an online presence for yourself outside of Legiit so you can direct more traffic to your page. Take advantage of every opportunity you have to connect with others, whether it’s making social media posts, writing blog articles, or sending out mass emails. You’ll be amazed at how much just this initial extra effort will pay off in the long run.
Moreover, if you have a blog or website promoting offers or services, you can also use affiliate links when promoting your Legiit services.
How did I grow on the platform? (some things I learned with experience)
There are a few things you should definitely keep in mind when you are writing your Service Page on Legiit. You should think of it as being a resume of your work and services that will primarily be viewed by potential buyers but sometimes even by other sellers. It is also something that can help you stand out from the crowd. For starters, give your service page an eye-catching title that describes what you are offering. If you are selling a certain service and have a long list of tasks or features, include the main ones in the title to stand out. But don’t go overboard with this because the title will be displayed in search results, and if it is too long, then chances are it will get cut off in search results. When writing your description, make sure to explain what you are offering in an informative way but use language that is easy to understand for everyone. It’s essential to describe all the benefits your customers will get from using your service so they will understand why they should choose you over all others selling similar services.
1. Write a great service page on Legiit
A service page is a powerful tool. It can be used to attract new customers, or it can turn them away. Here are some tips to help you use the form to your advantage:
- Know your audience.
Everyone on Legiit is looking for something specific—some people want design work, some need web development, and others are looking for a copywriter. Make sure that you read the descriptions of the different categories and determine which one has the most potential for your business—then make sure that you’re writing specifically to that audience.
- Give value.
A good service page should be more than just a list of things you will do for a customer. It should also address why they should buy this gig over other sellers.
Remember: you’re competing with other sellers, so you have to give customers a reason to choose you. Explain how you’re going to benefit them—and what they’ll get out of working with you instead of someone else.
- Be confident.
Even if you may not be the most confident person in your skills, it’s time to get your act together. You may not have all the skills or experience necessary yet, but as long as you have the drive and determination to learn and grow, then go ahead and try. By all means, never lie to your buyers! But, really, sometimes all you need is a confidence boost to land your first order.
2. Do a great job to build up reviews
If you want to become a top-rated freelancer, you have to get some reviews. And the thing with getting reviews is that they are like gifts—you’re not supposed to ask for them. If you do, it can come across as gauche and desperate, which isn’t the best foot forward for an aspiring service provider. But there is something you can do: do a great job, and build up your profile by working with as many clients as possible. It’s true that there’s no foolproof way to get great reviews (and it doesn’t hurt to ask), but whether or not the customer is willing to take time out of their day to leave feedback is really out of your hands. What is in your control is how well you perform with each client and how hard you work to make them happy. That will go much further in building your reputation than any review ever could, and it will also put you in a better position for future work.
The Legiit Facebook group – a goldmine for freelancers
Legiit, the online marketplace for freelancers and small businesses, has a secret weapon to help its members grow their careers and businesses…
(Well, it’s not a secret anymore because I mentioned it before)
What is it? The Legiit Facebook group.
The Legiit Facebook group is truly a one-stop shop for any question or problem you have that relates to freelancing or even for promoting. And by “one-stop-shop,” I mean that you can actually get an answer from other members—right away! There are over 12k members in the Facebook group, and everyone is extremely helpful. They’re always willing to answer questions and offer support. That’s because most of them are freelancers themselves, so they understand what it takes to get through the day-to-day struggles of running your own business. The Legiit Facebook group is also very active, with new posts appearing almost every minute. This constant stream of information makes it easy to know what’s going on in the freelance world at any given moment. It’s like having an entire community of people (sellers like you or even the founders of Legiit) who are just as invested in your success as you are! If you want to stay up-to-date on all things Legiit, this is definitely where you need to be hanging out.
Legiit support team
When I was new to Legiit, I had an issue with one of my orders. It was really important for me to get it fixed quickly (the client needed the work fast), so I contacted the support team. They were extremely friendly and helpful in resolving the issue! They didn’t even seem bothered by my lengthy message (I’m not very good at being succinct… haha).
I was so happy with the service and how fast they resolved the problem. I’m a huge fan of their support team! Mind you…the last time I tried to reach the support team of another marketplace, I waited for a reply — reply! not a resolution — for maybe a day.
Meanwhile, the issue, which was a problem on their part, took several days to get fixed. That’s not a joke, and apparently, many people share the same thought with me.
By contrast, whenever I need help with Legiit, they respond quickly and efficiently. In fact, I’ve often received answers from the Legiit Support Team within minutes of submitting my request! If you want to be sure that your support requests are taken seriously, make sure to use Legiit for all your freelancing needs.
Closing remarks
My experience working with Legiit was great, and I was able to earn some money doing something I love.
On the other hand, there are laws, guidelines, and policies that need to be followed in order to avoid any hassles or lost clients. It takes a few days before your work is approved (I think I forgot to mention it, but it’s all done manually), so try not to rush it. There are many contributing factors for rejected work—grammar, spelling errors (better have those tools at your fingertips), inappropriate content, etc.
In my opinion, Legiit has the potential to dominate modern-day corporate work. It isn’t without its issues, but for many clients and freelancers alike, it is the perfect match. I’m excited to see how it evolves in the future because, from my perspective, it has all the makings of an innovative platform.